Archive for September, 2017

Is Your Beer Craft Or Big Beer? Find Out With This App

Author: Jason Harris
September 17, 2017

With big beer buying local craft beer brands left and right, it’s hard to know which beers in stores and on draft at nearby bar are truly craft.

My pal Emily Price, an author over a Lifehacker, just wrote an article that enables us to know if that beer is ‘craft’ or not. And in craft, the Brewer’s Association means, is it small, independent and traditional?

By using the Craft Check – you’ll know whether that bottle is craft or not – which is important to beer snobs like me.

For example, I was just in San Diego County on vacation with my family. I ordered a Saint Archer IPA, thinking I was drinking a local beer. Upon looking up Saint Archer on my phone halfway through my pint, I found out this beer is owned by Coors. So much for supporting truly local businesses and brewers.

Craft Check App

No more – I’m doing a Craft Check whenever I’m unsure. 🙂

Friends don’t let friends drink big beer. Sorry 10Barrel, Shock Top, Elysian and all the others.