Archive for November, 2010

How To Request A Beer in 50 Languages

Author: Jason Harris
November 21, 2010

Many of us travel.  Many of us go to other places where English is not the primary language.

So, what happens if you find yourself in a foreign country and you need to order another beer?  Well, you say, “what would Jason suggest”?

Follow this link, and see how to order another beer in 50 languages.  This is lifesaving advice, and you know it.

For example, if you’re in Finland, say, “Vielä yksi olut, kiitos”.  If you’re in Germany, you must say, “Noch ein Bier, bitte”.

You read it here first.

[Photo credit: Fieno]

Review: Lagunitas IPA

Author: Jason Harris
November 20, 2010

With this review, we begin a new series of reviews, this time of Lagunitas Brewing in Petaluma, California.  Lagunitas is sort of a cult favorite up here in the Pacific Northwest.  We are a pretty territorial bunch up here, typically preferring beers that are made locally (like within 20 miles); but the Petaluma brewery has some fans up this way.

So, with that, lets take a look at Lagunitas IPA.  Their take on the India Pale Ale is an interesting one.  Here’s how the brewery’s website describes their IPA:

India Pale Ale
Thanks for choosing to spend the next few minutes with this special homicidally hoppy ale. Savor the moment as the raging hop character engages the imperial qualities of the Malt foundation in mortal combat on the battlefield of your palate!

So, they describe it as super hoppy.  To me, this would imply bitter and therefore uber yummy.

However, I had a 22-ounce bomber of this IPA and I was thoroughly disappointed.  This beer is not very hoppy at all – in fact, it tastes like a weak pale ale.  A barkeep could have served me this beer and told me it was a pilsner and I wouldn’t have flinched.

Lagunitas IPA is very pale in color.  It is almost tan, again, like a pilsner.

I guess up here in the Pacific Northwest, where we grow hops and wear flannel and like our coffee strong, this IPA doesn’t cut it.

Also, I’m being brutally honest here and perhaps I’m missing something.  Are you a Lagunitas fan – can you shed some light and perhaps show me the way?  Or am I justified in my dislike for this IPA?

Review: Pelican Brewing Tsunami Stout

Author: Jason Harris
November 18, 2010

I love flavorful beers.  This is probably why I’m such a fan of IPAs, which are known for being extremely hoppy and bitter.  It wasn’t until recently that I stated liking the really dark beers, such as those similar to Pelican Brewing’s Tsunami Stout.

Stout is amongst the strongest beers both in flavor, presence and alcohol content.  Typically thiis ale type, along with porter, are considered winter beers because of their heavy nature.  Stout, particular, is an interesting creature.  It is as black as night and one cannot see through it at all.

Tsunami Stout is no exception, this brew is black through and through with a dense creamy head.  This beer has a soft scent that prepares you for a rich flavor.

Is Tsunami Stout think and hard to drink?  Hardly, don’t let the appearance fool you.  This beer does have a full body but it is well balanced and does not leave you with a rock gut feeling.  This stout is a rich mixture of barley and malt that leaves you wanting a second pint immediately.

If you are looking to start checking out dark beers, Tsunami Stout joins Black Butte Porter as must haves, especially with the holiday season approaching.

Review: Pelican Brewing Doryman’s Dark Ale

Author: Jason Harris
November 16, 2010

I’m becoming a huge fan of Pelican Brewing’s ales.  This amazing brewery is located on the Oregon Coast in Pacific City, Oregon – right on the beach in fact.  So far, I’ve reviewed Pelican’s IPA as well as a yummy Scottish Ale.

For today’s review, I’ll be checking out Pelican’s Dark Ale.

Doryman’s Dark Ale is one of the head brewer’s first brews ever made.  He started brewing this ale way back in the day and according to the website, Dark Ale is amongst Pelican’s favorite beers.

When I hear Dark Ale, I think more malts and perhaps a bit of a nut brown taste – kind of like a traditional British Ale. Doryman’s Dark Ale is exactly like this.

This Dark Ale has an expected dark brown flavor.  At first sip you can sense the roast malt.  It isn’t very hoppy but you do get a sense of the aroma as your drink continues.  Doryman’s Dark Ale has a smooth finish with no noticeable aftertaste.  It’s a great Fall beer for those wanting a bit more flavor than a Pale Ale, but aren’t ready to go all dark with a stout or porter.

Doryman’s Dark Ale is recommended by this beer lover – check it out at your local store.

Review: Pelican Brewing India Pelican Ale

Author: Jason Harris
November 7, 2010

Pelican Brewing, as said before, is located on the Oregon Coast in Pacific City.  This amazingly beautiful spot on the beach is augmented by the fact that there is a very strong brewing presence in town in Pelican Pub and Brewing.

Today’s Pelican ale we are evaluating is India Pelican Ale.  This brew is named after the mascot of Pelican Brewing, Phil the Pelican.  This IPA (amongst my favorite type of ale) is made with Cascade hops, giving it a noticeably sweet aroma.  However, this isn’t a sweet citrusy beer, the hops are balanced with a mild malty flavor that provides a bit of spice.

At first sip, India Pelican Ale has a strong hoppy bitterness.  You can definitely tell that Pelican Brewing uses a robust mix of hops to give an initial bitter sting.  However, India Pelican Ale transitions quickly to being a smooth tasting balanced beer.

Any IPA lover (even the picky ones) will feel at home with an India Pelican Ale in their hands.  It’s a familiar taste, making this brew a very good example of what any Oregon IPA should strive to me.