Fresh hop ales: Fresh Hop Pale Ale from Santiam Brewing

Author: Jason Harris
October 8, 2012

I’m lucky enough to live in the the heart of Hop Valley, Oregon, also known as the Willamette Valley. In my area, we grow some good hops. They’re so good, that brewers all over the state scramble each September when the hops are fresh and in season. They come over, pick hops and make ‘fresh hop’ ales that are in season from late September to November, depending on the harvest.

Santiam BrewingToday’s beer spotlight is on a brand new brewery in Salem, Oregon called Santiam Brewing. Santiam is a collaboration of homebrewers who call Salem home and met through a local homebrew club.

Located in Salem’s industrial area, Santiam Brewing has been growing and growing ever since its debut a few short months ago. I’ve heard really good things about their beer from those whose opinion I trust, so I was anxious to try their one of their brews.

I purchased a growler of Santiam Fresh Hop Pale Ale from Venti’s in downtown Salem.

Weighing in at around 40 IBUs and at around 7.0% ABV, this pale ale is an American style ale with hops “straight from the field to the kettle”.

At first pour, this is a very clear, traditional pale ale. However, when this ale meets your mouth, the taste of flavorful, herbal and floral hops balanced by a clean caramel body take over. Smooth is an adjective that can easily be applied to this beautiful seasonal ale.

Santiam Brewing Fresh Hop Pale Ale is a crowd favorite and is a fnatastic ale to accompany your autumn events.