2015 Advent Beer Calendar: Wassail from Full Sail

Author: Jason Harris
November 29, 2015

Editor’s note: November 29, 2015 is the first day of Advent. Likewise, I’m going to be posting a beer review each day. Some will be Christmas or Winter ales and other selections will be beers I’ve been wanting to try for some time.

WassailTo kick things off for this year’s first Advent beer, I’m going with a local choice: Wassail from Full Sail Brewing in Hood River, Oregon. This particular winter warmer has been brewed by Full Sail (a brewery I’ve visited multiple times and enjoy every single time) every autumn since 1988.

How does it taste?

Full Sail Wassail is as hoppy as it is malty.

When you pour Wassail, you’re impressed by its brownish mahogany color that looks fantastic in your pint glass. There’s no head at all, suggesting mild carbonation and a smooth overall taste profile.

When you drink Wassail, you first taste the four different malts Full Sail selects each year. This brew has a body that is rich and warm on the tongue. Then, the hops kick in giving you a nice bitter aftertaste that perfectly balances the nutty chocolate malts. The beer is a perfect beer to kick off my Advent Beer series because it sets the tone for a perfect example of what a dark winter ale should be.

To me, this beer has a light maple syrup like sweetness. It’s tasted but not overly impactful. The hoppy finish provides a perfect ending to a perfect beer.

Should you buy it?

Without a doubt. Pick up this beer. It will not disappoint.