2015 Advent Beer Calendar: Stormbreaker Mississippi Red

Author: Jason Harris
December 2, 2015

Editor’s note: This is the fourth in the Beer Advent Calendar 2015 series. Likewise, I’m going to be posting a beer review each day. Some will be Christmas or Winter ales and other selections will be beers I’ve been wanting to try for some time.

Stormbreaker Brewing isn’t as well known as other Portland breweries, but this institution has a local reputation of producing fantastic ales. Located on Mississippi Ave in Portland, Stormbreaker’s pub is fantastic. The staff is always friendly and are very urban Portland hipster.

mississippi red

Today we’re discussing Mississippi Red, a red ale that comes in at 5.8% ABV and a mild 29 IBUs. This beer is available on tap at Stormbreaker’s pub and in limited availability in 22 oz bottles.

How does it taste?

Mississippi Red pours an opaque and leaves a small white head that’s sudsy. Your nose picks up on floral hops and the toasted malts.

At first sip, you sense a hoppy presence, more so than a 29 IBU rating indicates.  Then, the sweet caramel malts kick in for a toasty malty finish.

This is a well balanced and nicely hopped subtle beer.

Should I buy it?

Yes you should. I think this beer will appeal to a wide variety of beer fans who will enjoy it’s floral taste and smooth finish.

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One Response to “2015 Advent Beer Calendar: Stormbreaker Mississippi Red”

  1. Pints and Steins » Blog Archive » 2015 Advent Beer: Full Sail Amber Says:

    […] 10Barrel Alaska Alaskan Amber Alaskan Brewing ale Amber ale Beer Bend Brew Fesivals Cascade Lakes Brewing Deschutes Deschutes Brewery Deschutes Brewing Emily's Ember Fresh Hop Full Sail Gilgamesh Brewing Hop Trip Ale India Pale Ale IPA Jubelale Juneau Lagunitas Lauren's Pale Ale LPA Maui Brewing Company Mysic Wolf Amber Ale Ninkasi Oregon Oregon Beer Organic Pelican Brewing Porter Portland Pyramid Pyramid Brewing Red Ale Review Salem Seven Brides Brewing Stout Three Creeks Brewing Upright Brewing Wheat Beer Winter ale « 2015 Advent Beer Calendar: Stormbreaker Mississippi Red […]

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