2015 Advent Beer Calendar: CoCoNut PorTeR from Maui Brewing Company
Editor’s note: This is the fifteenth beer in the Beer Advent Calendar 2015 series. Likewise, I’m going to be posting a beer review each day. Some will be Christmas or Winter ales and other selections will be beers I’ve been wanting to review for some time.
One of my favorite vacation spots is Maui, Hawaii. For the last 5 years or so, it’s been fun to watch Maui Brewing company grow and prosper on the island.
One of MBC’s flagship beers is CoCoNut Porter and this time of year, it’s a fun beer to take a look at because coconut anything is amazing in December and combined with a fantastic dark ale…yum!
How does it taste?
Coconut Porter pours super dark with a tan head that remains on the glass long after you pour the beer. The brew smells of cold-brew coffee, malty sweetness and a slight toasted coconut smell. One would expect the coconut scents to be stronger, but not with this ale. It’s subtle at best.
To your tongue, the beer tastes exactly how it smells. The roasted malt is the strongest flavor present with a slight coconut back-kick to the porter. As one would expect, coffee notes and slight bitterness comes forward with this refreshing and Mounds-bar like taste. In fact, this beer tastes like a Mounds bar in a glass.
Honestly, I’d like to see more coconut influence in a beer with the namesake.
Should I buy it?
This is a beer you should pass on.
If you’re in the MBC taproom in Napili, yes buy a small glass to experience it, otherwise skip this beer.
Tags: CoCoNut PorTer, Maui Brewing Company, Porter