Editor’s note: This is the seventeenth beer in the Beer Advent Calendar 2015 series. Likewise, I’m going to be posting a beer review each day. Some will be Christmas or Winter ales and other selections will be beers I’ve been wanting to review for some time.

Today we go to Breakside Brewery in Portland, Oregon and check out the pilsner. Yes, pilsner might not be your winter beer of choice, but for those wanting a light, easy drinking beer on a cold winter night, a pilsner might be a first choice.

Breakside Pilsner

Liquid Sunshine Pilsner comes in draft and in 22 oz bottles and is available year round.

How does it taste?

This highly carbonated lager pours into a pint glass with a clear-yellow color and two-inch crown of sticky white foam that dissipates quickly. Your nose will instantly pick up on the soup cracker light biscuity smell that’s supported by light scents of grass and floral overtones. The taste consist of slightly sweet lemon flavors, with a light kick of pilsner malt.

This beer can best be described as a tasty pilsner with a slight grassy herbal hop overtone. It’s refreshing and easy-going.

Should I buy it?

If you’re a fan of pilsners, this is a fun beer to have on hand to counter the super hoppy bitter taste of IPAs and thick winter beers you might be used to.



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