2015 Advent Beer Calendar: Country Boy IPA from Everybody’s Brewing
Editor’s note: This is the nineteenth beer in the Beer Advent Calendar 2015 series. Likewise, I’m going to be posting a beer review each day. Some will be Christmas or Winter ales and other selections will be beers I’ve been wanting to review for some time.
Based in White Salmon, WA, Everybody’s Brewing churns out some amazing beers. I recently had Country Boy IPA while at Pine State Biscuits on NE Alberta in Portland.
How does it taste?
The beer pours a clear reddish color with an orange hue. There’s some lacing on the glass left as you pour this beer out of the bottle.
The smells are very aromatic with caramel, white-breading malts and floral, citrusy hops. You also sense the pine smells that make this a perfect IPA for winter.
The beer taste moderately hopped and medium bodied. It’s a sweet beer but not a bitter sweet. Country Boy IPA is pleasant to your tongue, even if you’re an IPA expert.
Should I buy it?
Yes. Any questions? 🙂